ARTITUDE — is a Mindset


4400 Riverside Dr., #110-2130, Burbank, CA 91505


(202) 770-0997‬

ARTITUDE is an “inspired” vessel whose primary purposes include reaching out in friendship to a worldwide body of creative people.

We believe that “creativity can change the world” and to proactively encourage it, we focus on showcasing and supporting art projects that fuel creative activism. To address the diverse separations between cultures that often prevent understanding and appreciation, we want to use the arts as a podium of peace and trade fears and misinformation for newfound positive exposure. We simply want to illuminate the gifts of creativity that we believe everyone has (whether those gifts lay dormant or are known to all on center stage).

The world is riddled with division, mistrust, unforgiveness, and prejudice. There are justified and unjustified reasons behind all of this pain. Artists and musicians are, and have always been vehicles to express the ecstasy, conscience, and agony of the times. They depict history from an emotional perspective and often influence traditions through their observations and portrayals. Many of today’s artists yield to the abstract, as the world reels in a whirlwind of transition.  

Standards are eroding and humanity has often abdicated learning from its mistakes in the frenzy of increase. There is one standard lacking and its lessons prove its power over and over. That standard is a proven truth that has yielded undeniably good fruit; it is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Although modernized versions twist that structure with variations of “do unto them ‘before’ they do unto you,” it nonetheless does not change the “Power” that comes from regarding others as you do yourself (as your own “Human Family”). We want to encourage people to empathize, regard, and love others outside of their own groups and even learn to love their enemies. 


The high concept for Artitude is to encourage the arts and to promote works of positivity. Collaboration between creatives, we believe, is key to this mission. The first renaissance followed a worldwide “dark age.” We believe this New Renaissance that has been growing since the mid-20th Century is now coming into a time of creative fullness when hope and steps toward peace are desperately needed to quell the rise in crime, ignorance and poverty still prevalent in lands of plenty. We believe that our efforts will aid in bringing a new awakening to the lives of many who need faith in these times of reformation.

The arts often reflect the reality and plight of the times, yet, they make their greatest statements when they evoke not only the factual reflection of life but the expectation of change for the better. There are many voices touting the failings of governments, and many groups and individuals pointing fingers of accusation toward problems where none are innocent. Our goals include efforts that will encourage cultural healing, forgiveness, and love.

Artitude’s creative connections are not just consumers; they are active artists, musicians, trendsetters, and dreamers. So many things are possible when this kind of synergy meets with positive support. Our strategy is to encourage intellectual stimulation through the arts to show possibilities for optimism with creative solutions — even in these uncertain times. We want to add a balance of basic art appreciation in its simplest of terms. In a world of constant sensationalism (which sometimes leans too heavily toward the evident ills, rather than the possible cures) we want to bring people back to appreciation of the beauty of nature, poetry, and the often taken-for-granted miracle of being human.